- Family Medicine
- Behavioral Health
- Pediatrics
- Adolescent Care
- Adult Primary Care
- Geriatric Care
- Chronic Care Management
- Preventative Health Care
- Women’s Health
- Minor Surgery
- Minor Emergency
- Immunizations
- In-House Labs
- Finger Stick Lead Testing
- In-house X-Rays
- In-House Ultrasound
- Bone Density
- Wellness Screening
- Patient Education
- Telemedicine
- Enrollment & Outreach
- DOT Physicals
- School Physicals
- COVID Testing
- COVID Vaccines
- Walk-In Clinic
Bland County Medical Clinic
BCMC – Walk-In Clinic
- Family Medicine
- Behavioral Health
- Pediatrics
- Adolescent Care
- Adult Primary Care
- Geriatric Care
- Chronic Care Management
- Preventative Health Care
- Women’s Health
- Minor Surgery
- Minor Emergency
- Immunizations
- In-House Labs
- Finger Stick Lead Testing
- In-house X-Rays
- In-House Ultrasound
- Bone Density
- Wellness Screening
- Patient Education
- Telemedicine
- DOT Physicals
- COVID Testing
- COVID Vaccines
Orchard Creek Clinic
- Adolescent Care
- Adult Primary Care
- Geriatric Care
- Preventative Health Care
- Women’s Health
- Minor Surgery
- Minor Emergency
- Immunizations
- In-House Labs
- Wellness Screenings
- Patient Education
- Telemedicine
- COVID Testing
- COVID Vaccines
BCMC Dental Clinic
- Oral Exam
- Dental Cleanings
- Fluoride Treatments
- Sealants
- Periodontal Cleanings
- Basic Restorations (fillings)
- Extractions
- Root Canals
- Dentures
- Emergency Care
HNHP (Healthy Neighborhood Health Plan)
What is the Healthy Neighborhood Health Plan?
Bland County Medical Clinic’s Healthy Neighborhood Health Plan is a health plan that is sponsored by the federal government for patients that are uninsured or underinsured based upon annual income and family size, for up to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Who should apply for the Healthy Neighborhood Health Plan?
We encourage all of our patients to apply for this health plan. Application and proof of income must be submitted annually to make sure that patients still fit the eligibility factors to receive discounted medical services. This plan is available for all patients of Bland County Medical Clinic, but is subject to eligibility.
What are the elgibility guidelines for the Healthy Neighborhood Health Plan?
- Patients must fill out an application. Applications are available at Bland County Medical Clinic or online at www.blandclinic.com
- Patients must provide proof of income. The following documents may be used:
- Federal Income Tax Return
- Three consecutive pay stubs
- Child support court order or letter from spouse
- Food Stamp award letter
- Retirement letter
- Social Security award letter
- Unemployment Benefit letter
- A letter stating that you have no income
Will there be any co-payments for the Healthy Neighborhood Health Plan?
Co-payments are a reduced fee charge for services that Bland County Medical Clinic provides to patients under the Healthy Neighborhood Health Plan. Services are not free but are discounted.
If a patient has questions or concerns about co-payments, our staff is happy to help clarify. The following services will require a nominal co-payment fee:
- Office visits
- Labs
- X-rays
- Ultrasounds
- Echocardiograms
Who can patients contact for more information?
Debbie Hull – Bland County Medical Clinic
Phone: 276-688-2615
Fax: 276-688-4336
12301 Grapefield Rd, Bastian VA 24314
Candace Mitchem – Orchard Creek Clinic
Phone: 276-688-0500
Fax: 276-688-4336
8494 South Scenic Hwy Suites C-D, Bland VA 24315
Jessica Combs – Bland County Medical Clinic Dental Clinic
Phone: 276-688-4711
Fax: 276-688-4712
8487 South Scenic Highway, Bland, VA 24315
MAP (Medication Assistance Program)
What is the Medication Assistance Program?
Bland County Medical Clinic’s Medication Assistance Program is sponsored by the Virginia Healthcare Foundation, for patients from economically disadvantaged areas. This program assists our patient advocates to help patients (subject to pharmaceutical company requirements) to receive free and discounted medications. Currently there are up to 290 possible pharmaceuticals that are participating in this program.
Who should apply for this program?
We encourage all our patients to apply for this program. Application and proof of income must be submitted annually to make sure that patients still fit the eligibility factors to receive free or discounted medication. This program is available for all patients of Bland County Medical Clinic but is subject to the eligibility guidelines of each pharmaceutical company.
What are the benefits of this program?
- Free or discounted medication to those who qualify.
- Medications for diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.…
Chronic medications - Help for Medicare Part D patients who have hit the coverage gap (donut hole).
- Programs offered for generic drugs
How does this program work?
- Patients must fill out an application for the Medication Assistance Program. Applications are available at Bland County Medical Clinic or online at www.blandclinic.com
- Patients must provide proof of income. The following documents may be used:
- Federal Income Tax Return
- Three consecutive pay stubs
- Child support court order or letter from spouse
- Food Stamp award letter
- Retirement letter
- Social Security award letter
- Unemployment Benefit letter
- A letter stating that you have no income.
- Patient advocates will process the application through the pharmacy connection program (TPC)
- Patient advocates will order medications that are available to you.
Medications will be shipped to Bland County Medical Clinic in 4-6 weeks. - Patients will call their patient advocate 2 – 3 weeks before running out of medications so that refills can be processed.
- Enrollment with the pharmaceutical company is effective for one year.
- Patient advocates can order for any provider that prescribes medication at any facility.
- Patient advocates will call the patient when medications arrive.
Who can patients contact for more information?
Gabby Bailey – Patient Advocate
Phone: 276-688-0441
Fax: 276-688-2621
12301 Grapefield Rd, Bastian VA 24314
Medication Assistance Program Application
Chronic Care Management
What is Chronic Care Management
Bland County Medical Clinic understands that sometimes managing one’s health can require a little extra assistance. Our Chronic Care Management Program (CCM) is designed to help patients with Medicare who have two or more chronic conditions. The program is available to patients at both primary care locations (Orchard Creek Clinic and Bland County Medical Clinic), and is designed to provide support to patients who need to speak with a nurse several times per month in order to manage their health. The CCM program is ideal for the individual who has difficulty managing their medications, coordinating visits with multiple providers, have frequent questions about their medications/health management, or have caregivers who may need assistance. The program is open to individuals with Medicare and at least two chronic health conditions and is intended for patients who need the service to maintain/manage their health and not for patients who are independent without need for extra support.
What are examples of Chronic Medical Conditions
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Hyperlipidemia
- Heart Disease/Heart Failure
- Cancer
- Alzheimer’s/Dementia
- Depression
Who can patients contact for more information?
Bland County Medical Clinic
Phone: 276-688-4331
Fax: 276-688-4336
12301 Grapefield Rd, Bastian VA 24314
Orchard Creek Clinic
Phone: 276-688-0500
Fax: 276-688-4336
8494 South Scenic Hwy Suites C-D, Bland VA 24315